Brief des Volkskommissars für Auswärtige Angelegenheiten der UdSSR M. Litvinov an den Generalsekretär des CK der VKP (b) I.V. Stalin, 15. April 1939
Quellen- & Literaturhinweise
Watt, D. C., How War Came. The Immediate Origins of the Second World War, 1938-1939, New York 1989.
Šejnis, Z., Maxim Litvinov, Moskau 1988.
Phillips, H., Between the Revolution and the West. A Political Biography of Maxim M. Litvinov, Boulder 1992.
Resis, A., "The Fall of Litvinov: Harbinger of the German-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact", in: Europe-Asia Studies, 52 (2000), S. 33-56.
Haslam, J., "Litvinov, Stalin, and the Road Not Taken", in: Gorodetsky, G. (Hg.), Soviet Foreign Policy, 1917-1991. A Retrospective, London 1994.
Roberts, G., "The Fall of Litvinov: A Revisionist View", in: Journal of Contemporary History, 27 (1992), Nr. 4, S. 639-657.